Friday, October 3, 2014

It's real

So its official and its real we are most definitely pregnant, by we I mean her maj is pregnant and I look like I am, but either way there is a kid in there. Well we say kid but right now its more a kidney bean with a heart beat but apparently its a living child.

So we headed off to the gynie, lovely lady, who upon meeting me said to her maj "Jesus luv you picked a biggun to have a kid with!" Charming. We got on immediately. So we saw it, its a small thing and nothing much to right home about but for the first time reality kind of hit. Its all well and good having a piss stick to tell you that you're expecting but there is nothing more real that actually seeing the little fella or felless.

Right off the bat its been decided that her maj due to her back op is not pushing this thing out so its an elective sunroof delivery probably two weeks before due date which means mid May. Seems a long way off but pretty sure it won't be.

One things for sure the little blob doesn't like its mum being hungry, its a case of "get hungry, vomit your guts up" for her maj so far, having a feeling that it could be like this for a while. Don't know whats worse, the pain her maj goes through wretching her guts up or me being woken up by the noise of her doing so at 2am every day and then while I'm eating my scrambled egg breakfast. Either way its not pretty. Aint parenthood grand!

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