Friday, October 3, 2014

It's a miracle!

Not three weeks after being informed of my golf balls shooting nothing but sawdust a miracle happened! Her Maj being a few days late with her periodicals decided to bite the bullet and piss on a stick. Low and behold the second line appeared, cue a look of shock, then delight, then "oh fuck I better call the gynie and get a blood test".

So while her maj was off giving blood I sat there in bewilderment about how the hell that happened, and decided to go and buy a lotto ticket, I lost but seemed to win the lottery that is getting the missus preggers. Her Maj arrived back with another piss stick and the first medical bill of many, drunk a pint of water and had another squirt. Two lines again, two hours later the blood work confirmed that we were expecting.

At this point your mind goes into over drive, first thing hug, look at each other then hug again, then once more for luck. Then to call the parents and siblings and super close friends, of course its all super quiet, top secret (well discounting that Obama and co probably know about it by now due to phone hacking).

Time to hit the interweb to devour anything and everything, first 13 weeks is miscarriage prime time so buy cotton wool and wrap her maj in it. Names, oh shit what shall we call it, check the bank balance, bugger why did we go out for dinner last night as we can't afford that now we're preggers. And that is the first aftenoon, panic, joy, panic, crap yourself, joy.

Then you go to bed, look at each other, and say "we did it babe" and feel a bond and love that you have never felt before, and life is good!

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